Thursday, October 29, 2009

I don't understand why Obama says he needs more time to make a decision to send more troops to Afghanistan. As a candidate he already made this decision. He said, "We took our eye off Afghanistan. We need to finish the fight on terrorism. I have been arguing about this since 2002. I would send much more resources and at least 2 brigades (6,400) to finish the fight against the terrorists." He now has had over a year, from making these statements, to put his plan, he has had since 2002, into action. He accused the previous administration of dragging their feet and therefore guilty of making America unsafe.

It appears he now agrees, with the Bush administration, Afghanistan is very complicated and proceeding cautiously is what is needed. Thank you, Obama, for now agreeing the Bush administration policy on Afghanistan was the correct one. You are now handling Afghanistan just the way Bush W. did.

by Glenn Fannin

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Obama Healthcare Plan

I really don’t know what the problem is. They say they want to provide affordable health care to those who can not purchase it, because of prior health issues, lack of portability or health care insurance is not available from where they work. We have National Flood Insurance (the only Federal Insurance besides ERISSA). Insurance oversight is delegated to the individual states (usually somewhere between 5 and 6 percent goes to the state’s superfund). The states have risk pools for people who can’t buy a particular type of insurance for one reason or another (Home owner’s, Wind, High Risk Auto, Work Comp etc.). These are all available to those who can’t buy them at affordable rates. They are all voluntary. All Congress would have to do is offer this coverage like National Flood Insurance (risk pool coverage). You would have to show you have been turned down for coverage 3 times. Most agents will do this research for you. Then you qualify to buy the insurance from the government. This rule prevents the government run insurance from gaining a monopoly on the insurance market. I find it amazing (with all their supposed intelligence and experience) they are not aware of this option (I haven’t seen it discussed anywhere). Well, logic tells me they aren’t that dumb but they aren’t that stupid. Therefore it has to be by design. They argued 42 million American didn’t have and couldn’t buy insurance. They are now adding 18 to 20 million who don’t want to buy it (mostly young people who think they are immortal). When they say 42 million Americans they are not technically lying. Thirty million of the Forty-two million are either South American, Central American, Mexican American or Canadian American. The United States is only one of the Americas. Obama said they are going to take 40 percent of the money out of Medicare to help fund this Goliath. They can’t even manage Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security (they are all nearly broke). They know what they are doing. They are going to take 40 percent of the money U.S. Citizens have paid into Medicare and pay for the healthcare of illegal aliens. Since they aren’t offering it in the same way National Flood Insurance is awarded then it isn’t about providing affordable health insurance to those who can not buy it. It is about control. It is about wrestling your Bill Of Rights freedoms away from you. It is about eroding these freedoms until the U.S.A. is the U.S.S.A. (United Socialist States of America). A woman who was born in Germany (before WWII) made a frantic call to my wife. She said Hitler started out promising everyone a car. So he took over the German car companies and factories so he could build them. He took over the banks to pay for building all the free cars (Volkswagons or Wagon of the Folks). He encouraged people to turn in their friends and neighbors of those who dissented in this effort. He took over the schools and created a Hitler youth movement. The youths were encouraged to turn in their parents. All of these things had to be done right away because Germany was in such a dire, economical depression. In order to act, here again because things were so bad, he took over the German Congress. The German Congress was too slow and things had to be done right away (Hitler said). This old, German woman was having flash backs between the things Obama is saying and what Hitler was saying. The truth is Obama has a Hope to Change the United States into a socialist, dictatorial regime.

Personally, I left blood and flesh on the battlefield and 4 years of my life, as did my brothers-in-arms, so that you might be free. I am old now and the future is yours. You have the FREEDOM to vote away your FREEDOM if you choose to. It is your choice to squander your legacy if you want to. Or, you can be an activist against any movement which would take away your freedoms. Freedom isn’t free!

By Glenn Fannin

Ling and Lee

When someone does something stupid, and a lot of money is spent rescuing them, it is customary to send the stupid, idiots a bill. Ling and Lee were not kidnapped. They were reporters and were sent there by Al Gore, for his news agency, to enter the N. Korea illegally and get a story. They went there to get either themselves or Al Gore a Pulitzer Prize. They did this in order to get fame and riches. They expected to profit from their exploit. I am very glad they were rescued but the United States apparently gave up a lot to get them back. They should be sent a bill for the rescue. I’m sure their employer, Al Gore, will be glad to pay it since they were on an assignment for him. Did you even wonder why Bill Clinton went there instead of Al Gore? Al Gore probably thought they might have arrested him also as being complicit in the border invasion. So the coward sent Bill Clinton.

-=Glenn Fannin=-

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

We Will Judge Obama On His Performance Alone

Juan Williams, Fox News, NPR and Wall Street Journalist advises, in his Jan. 20, 2009 Wall Street Journal article, "Judge Obama on Performance Alone."

Juan Williams, very profoundly explains, "If his presidency is to represent the full power of the idea that black Americans are just like everyone else -- fully human and fully capable of intellect, courage and patriotism -- then Barack Obama has to be subject to the same rough and tumble of political criticism experienced by his predecessors. To treat the first black president as if he is a fragile flower is certain to hobble him. It is also to waste a tremendous opportunity for improving race relations by doing away with stereotypes and seeing the potential in all Americans.

Yet there is fear, especially among black people, that criticism of him or any of his failures might be twisted into evidence that people of color cannot effectively lead. That amounts to wasting time and energy reacting to hateful stereotypes. It also leads to treating all criticism of Mr. Obama, whether legitimate, wrong-headed or even mean-spirited, as racist.

This is patronizing. Worse, it carries an implicit presumption of inferiority. Every American president must be held to the highest standard. No president of any color should be given a free pass for screw-ups, lies or failure to keep a promise."

So we will not patronize Barack Obama but pay our respect by judging him on his performance alone. We will call it like we see it. Good or bad.

by Boston Tea Party reporter -=Glenn Fannin=-

Friday, January 9, 2009

Global Warming Disaster A Myth!

John Stossel in his 2020 report Global Warming? Really Bad? stated about global warming, "You may have heard 1,600 hundred scientist signed a letter warning of devastating consequence. There is going to be a "Global Warming Disaster!" But I bet you haven't heard 17,000 scientists signed a petition saying there is no convincing evidence that green house gases will disrupt the earth's climate." John Stossel was the closing speaker of a convention of 17,000 scientist who were not invited to the I.P.C.C. conference because they did not agree with the global warming disaster scenario. So, on March 2-4, 2008 these scientist had their own conferrence called, "The 2008 Conferrence on Global Climate Change," which was held in New York, USA. The 1,600 scientist from the I.P.C.C. (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) were invited. They also invited Al Gore. The 1,600 scientist and Al Gore refused to attend.

CNN's Glenn Beck reports on the "Climate of Fear" May 2, 2008. Glenn explains global temperature changes are natural. Exposes Al Gore's claim, in the worst case scenario oceans will rise 20 feet. The GCC said in the worst case scenario oceans would rise 20 inches not 20 feet. He discovers CO2 does not drive temperature.

John Coleman (founder of "The Weather Channel"), on Fox News "Red Eye Report" told host Greg Gutfeld he wants to settle the global warming disaster issue by sueing Al Gore. The 17,000 scientist from the 2008 Conferrence on Global Climate Change, who disagree with the I.P.C.C. global warming disaster scenario, ranks have grown to 30,000 scientist. John Coleman explains major news channels have ignored them and this action may be the only way they get coverage. Greg Gutfeld said, about John Coleman, "He hopes the legal challenge will settle the global warming debate once and for all."

Global warming alarmist are worrying people and scaring children to death needlessly. Why? So they can profit from the research dollars the are getting to proliferate this hoax? Liberal fear mongering is about control and taxation. If all this comes as news to you ask why the major news channels have either only touched base on this information or gave it no coverage at all.

by The Boston Tea Party reporter -=Glenn Fannin=-


John Stossel 2020 report Global Warming? Really Bad?

The 2008 Global Conference on Climate Change

CNN's Glenn Beck report on the "Climate of Fear" May 2, 2008

John Coleman amd 30,000 scientist

CBC News World Documentary Special "Global Warming - Doomsday Called Off (1/5)"

CBC News World Documentary Special "Global Warming - Doomsday Called Off (2/5) "

CBC News World Documentary Special "Global Warming - Doomsday Called Off (3/5)"

CBC News World Documentary Special "Global Warming - Doomsday Called Off (4/5)"

CBC News World Documentary Special "Global Warming - Doomsday Called Off (5/5)"

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Ultimately Weapons Of Mass Destruction Were Never Found?

According to Wikipedia "Until late 2005, Todd Purdum was a reporter and the Los Angeles bureau chief for the New York Times. From 1994 to 1997, Purdum was a White House correspondent for the Times. Purdum is now the national editor for the pop culture magazine Vanity Fair.

In 1997, Purdum married the former White House Press Secretary, Dee Dee Myers, who served President Bill Clinton from 1993 to 1994. Their relationship is the basis for the relationship between C.J. Cregg and Danny Concannon on the TV show The West Wing. Purdum and Myers have two children."

Today, December 29, 2008, in an interview with Meredith Vieira, Todd Purdum made the following comment "Ultimately Weapons of Mass Destruction were never found." Todd Purdum is a President basher who is obvioulsly trying make a career out of his President bashing. In his July 2008 issue of Vanity Fair, Purdum wrote a article bashing former President of the United States Bill Clinton entitled "The Comeback Id." President Clinton responded to Todd Purdum's article by stating, "He's a really dishonest reporter...and I haven't read (the article). There's just five or six blatant lies in there. But he's a real slimy guy."

The amazing thing is major news reporters like Meredith Vieira and Todd Purdum are still making statements Weapons of Mass Destruction were never found. Fox News, in an article written on June 22, 2006 reported, "The United States has found 500 chemical weapons in Iraq since 2003, and more weapons of mass destruction are likely to be uncovered, two Republican lawmakers say." The Philadelphia Inquirer reported on July 6, 2008, in an article by Brian Murphy of the Associated Press, who stated:

"The last major remnant of Saddam Hussein's nuclear program - a huge stockpile of concentrated natural uranium - reached a Canadian port yesterday to complete a secret U.S. operation that included a two-week airlift from Baghdad and a ship voyage crossing two oceans.

The removal of 550 metric tons of "yellowcake" - the seed material for higher-grade nuclear enrichment - was a significant step toward closing the books on Hussein's nuclear legacy. It also brought relief to U.S. and Iraqi authorities who had worried that the cache would reach insurgents or smugglers crossing to Iran to aid its nuclear ambitions."

The 1.2 million pounds of yellowcake uranium was found, and the machinery to convert it, shortly after the Invasion of Iraq in 2003. President Bush kept the find secret, and suffered the wrath of the liberal press, until after ALL the yellow cake uranium was removed from Iraq (for fear of it being stolen by terrorists). John W. Lillpop, in an article posted on the "Borderfire Report" states, "Bush Lied? What About That 550 Metric Tons of Yellow Cake, Lefty?" Follow the link and read the entire article.

So why, do you suppose, the Liberal Press is still reporting Weapons of Mass Destruction were never found and are in complete denial?

by The Boston Tea Party reporter -=Glenn Fannin=-

Monday, January 5, 2009

Cow Flatulence Tax

The Boston Tea Party isn't against paying taxes. The Boston Tea Party is against the government imposing taxes which are meant to manipulate the masses or sectors or designated individuals. We said the environmentalist would get around to imposing a tax on cows because they believe cow flatulence (and that of other livestock) is depleting the ozone layer. Members of the U.S. Senate must believe such a bill will be proposed because they have proposed a Livestock Emissions Tax Ban Act (Senate Bill S. 3729 IS 110th Congress) sponsored by Sen Dorgan, Byron L. [ND] (introduced 12/10/2008). Latest Major Action: 12/10/2008 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works. It should be noted the impetus for submitting the bill is probably because other country have already imposed this tax. I hope Mrs. O'Leary doesn't have any more cows because this cow flatulance tax isn't going to play well in Chicago (the livestock capitol).

James Kotecki of the posted the following humerous video report. In a more serious vein 2008 Presidential hopeful, Mike Huckabee, on the Cow Fart Tax for farmers Fox News Video. LiveLeak(tm) interviews dairy farmer Charlie Hanehan about the proposed flatulance tax.

Environmentalists are serious as demonstrated in this short video. Before there were herds of cows there were herds of mastodons. Before mastodons there were Iquanadons. At first the environmentalists said it was freon. Freon was really cheap until the environmentalists convinced congress to pass a tax on freon and strict regulations. Even though it has since been proven freon does not create a hole in the ozone the tax and regulations are still there. Then the environmentalists said, "You're right it isn't freon but the chlorine put in swimming pools. Now that has been dispelled they are saying it is livestock flatulence.

The truth is the earth was four degrees warmer, on average, 400 years ago. Then, the earth had much fewer glaciers and the tropic zone extended up into mid North America. We are coming out of a mini ice age that was created by frequent major volcanic eruptions that filled the atmosphere with volcanic clouds. These clouds dropped the temperature of the atmosphere and created the mini ice age. Nature is just taking its course naturally. Who do you want to believe, me or Gary Busey? Frankly, I think the proposed tax stinks! The Boston Tea Party is on record as being against the tax.

by The Boston Tea Party reporter -=Glenn Fannin=-

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Philip Berg Still Pounding Obama

Lawyer Philip Berg, a democrat, has been suing Barack Obama to produce his credentials for President (like birth certificate) for examination. There is also contention the President Elect is not Barack Hussein Obama (legally) but Barry Soltero. Democratic pundants are saying this issue has already been decided and the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has determined it is okay for Barack Hussein Obama or aka Barry Soltero to be President of the United States (POTUS). Philip Berg has been unsuccessful in filing pleas with SCOTUS to stop the Democratic nomination of Barack Hussein Obama, stop the election, stop the electorial vote. He is not alone in his quest. There are numerous other similar suits and amoung those most notable are suits by Alan Keyes, the black Independent Party Presidential Candidate, Leo Donofrio a New Jersey Attorney and Orly Taites. The merits of those cases were not tried. SCOTUS simply stated the plaintiffs did not have enough standing to stop proceedings as monumental as major political conventions, the Presidential Election and the Electorial College. So the issue itself has not been held nor has there been a trial of Barack Hussein Obama's credentials. So the matter is still up in the air and doesn't appear to be going away. In fact Plaintiffs have vowed to continue suits until President Elect or President Barack Hussein Obama is in compliance with Constitutional requirements.

Philip Berg has issued the following press release on the upcoming SCOTUS conference to be held on January 9th and 16th, 2009:

(Lafayette Hill, PA – 12/30/08) - Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama challenging Senator Obama’s lack of “qualifications” to serve as President of the United States which is pending in the U.S. Supreme Court [Docket No. 08 – 570] with two [2] Conferences scheduled on January 9th and 16th 2009, filed suit against Barry Soetoro a/k/a Obama on behalf of a Retired Military Colonel.

Berg today, with co-counsel Lawrence J. Joyce, Esquire, filed another lawsuit in Federal Court in the United States District for the District of Columbia on behalf of Retired Colonel Hollister against Barry Soetoro a/k/a Barack Hussein Obama demanding to know Obama’s real name and if he is constitutionally qualified to be President. Plaintiff, Gregory S. Hollister, is a resident of Colorado Springs, Colorado and Hollister has “standing” and needs a decision so he knows whether or not to follow any Order of Soetoro a/k/a Obama.

The suit is in the nature of an Interpleader that shifts the burden of proof to the Defendants, Soetoro a/k/a Obama and Biden to show that they are “qualified” for office.

Berg stated, “I am determined, on behalf of the 320 million citizens in the United States, to see that “our U.S. Constitution” is followed. Specifically, in the case of Soetoro a/k/a Obama, does he meet the constitutional qualifications for President ? I do not believe so based upon: 1) Obama was born in Kenya and because his mother was not nineteen [19], he was only “naturalized” and therefore, not qualified to be President; 2) Obama was legally adopted/acknowledged in Indonesia at the approximate age of six [6] and attended school as “Barry Soetoro,” [his step-father is Lolo Soetoro] for four [4] years – Indonesia did not have dual citizenship and to attend school, he had to be adopted or acknowledged and he became a “natural” citizen of Indonesia; 3) when he returned to Hawaii at age ten [10], there is a question if he returned through U.S. Immigration – (a) if he did, Barry Soetoro would have been given a “Certification of Citizenship” that would have indicated he was a “naturalized” U.S. citizen since he was a “natural” citizen of Indonesia; or (b) if he did not go through immigration, which I believe, then Soetoro a/k/a Obama is an illegal alien and therefore, not constitutionally qualified to be President and his three [3] years as an U.S. Senator were a fraud.”

Berg continued, “I am appalled that the main stream media continues to ignore this issue as we are headed to a ‘Constitutional Crisis.’ There is nothing more important than our U.S. Constitution and it must be enforced. I am encouraged that the U.S. Supreme Court has scheduled two [2] Conferences to look into the merits of our allegations. I know that Mr. Obama is not a constitutionally qualified ‘natural-born’ citizen and therefore, is ineligible to assume the Office of the President of the United States.

Obama, knows he is not ‘natural born’ as he knows where he was born and he knows he was legally adopted/acknowledged in Indonesia; is an attorney, Harvard Law head of the Law Review and graduate who taught Constitutional law; knows the Obama candidacy is the biggest ‘hoax’ attempted on the citizens of the United States in over 200 years; places our Constitution in a ‘crisis’ situation; and Obama is in a situation where he can be blackmailed by leaders around the world.”

Berg concluded, “I will continue my efforts until Obama either proves he is qualified or does the right thing and states that he is proud that he, an African American, received more votes than anyone else in the Presidential election on November 4, 2008, but because of things in his past, he must withdraw his name.”

It should be noted a "Conference" is not a trial. SCOTUS has merely agreed to discuss the "issue" Berg is bringing before it. The proceedings will not produce any kind of conclusive decision.

This reporter believes Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soltero is a very intelligent man. He was a Harvard Constitutional Law professor. So he is very aware of the implications of the charges against him. He is also aware the Constitutional requirement of being "A Natural Born Citizen" has no mechanism for enforcing the requirement. Therefore, he has probably concluded, since he has not produced valid documentation (in the alternative produced fraudulent documentation) this matter would be in the courts for years. Certainly long enough for a 4 year term and probably longer than a second 4 year term.

The parties bringing suit against Obama have been trying to make an end play. The Supreme Court of the United States is the Court of Last Resort. You do not start your case in SCOTUS. You start it in lower courts and work your way up to SCOTUS. Therefore you may expect determined plaintiffs sueing state election officials. Probably in all 50 states in order to get standing to take their cases to SCOTUS. This path can take 8, 10 or 12 years or longer.

"We The People" Chairman Bob Schultz released the following press release:

"We The People Foundation's Obama citizenship Press Conference at the National Press Club on Dec. 8, 2008. Speakers included WTP Chairman Bob Schulz and attorneys w/ cases pending at the U.S. Supreme Court challenging Barack's Obama citizenship status as a "natural born citizen" as is required by Article II of the Constitution. See the evidence and read the legal pleadings at WTP Foundation is a not for profit 501(c)3 educational foundation. All donations to the tax-exempt WTP Foundation are fully deductible."

In an opposing point of view CNN's Keith Obermann Keith Obermann ask Prof. Turley, "Once a President is sworn it, that's it, right? There is no overturning of elections. Whether for some legitimate reason or, yhou know, for some bogus claim of citizenship?" Prof. Turley replied, "It would be very hard to make that cat walk backwards!"

It is not the intent of The Boston Tea Party, since we are in opposition to both Democratic and Republican parties, to predetermin the qualifications and credentials of Barack Hussein Obama (although the legal axiom "Qui non negat, fatetur" he who does not deny, admits, comes to mind). Barack Hussein Obama's view on taxation far from that of The Boston Tea Party. So we freely admit are in opposition to the political views of Barack Hussein Obama. It is our contention that if Barack Hussein Obama is eventually found to not be a qualified president all that he does can be declared or Null and Void. This would be a disasterous political event. This should not be allowed to happen again. Whether you are for or against Obama. Therefore the Boston Tea Party is calling for a mechanism (Law) requiring all future political candidates to be properly vetted. Such a law should require the person or persons doing the vetting, and certifying the candidate, to be liable for due diligence. Please contact your representatives and senators and request such a law be enacted.

The Boston Tea Party reporter -=Glenn Fannin=-


Philip Berg explains his suit Part 1

Philip Berg explains his suit Part 2

Philip Berg explains his suit Part 3

"We The People" Dec. 8, 2008 Press Conference Video (2hrs and 14 mins):

CNN Obermann interviews Prof. Turley

Alex Jones - Phil Berg Pt1

Alex Jones - Phil Berg Pt 2

The Nexus of the AIG Bailout

{Patricia A. Borowski, Senior Vice President, PIA National (Professional Insurance Agents Association) explains the effect of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) of 1999 during the Clinton administration}.

The significance of this act was to merge the securities and insurance industries and regulate them through the Federal Government. Prior to this insurance was regulated almost entirely by individual states under the McCarran-Ferguson Act (15 U.S.C. § 1011) of 1945. Although (GLBA) claimed to not interfere with State's rights to regulate insurance, under McCarran-Ferguston Act, it forced states to allow Banking/Securities and Insurance companies to meld services. Prior to this states did not allow insurance to be sold in banks and/or by securities brokerage houses. The reason was because insurance companies were limited to making very safe investments. The investments of banking and securities were considered too risky. Also, if these risky ventures failed, and they were mixed with insurance, the failures would bring down the insurance companies. Additionally, it was thought a crash of banking or securities would also create a run on the insurance industry. Since states receive revenue through fees and taxes on insurance (provided by the McCarran-Ferguson Act) such an event could drastically impact the finances of the states regulating insurance companies.

It should be noted that it was the investment side of AIG which claimed to be in need of, and was given, a bailout. In light of this shouldn't we be considering a repeal of the Clinton Administration's Graham-Leach-Bliley Act and return to a seperation of Banking/Securities and the Insurance Industry?

by The Boston Tea Party reporter -=Glenn Fannin=-

Outgo Tax vs. Flat Tax

This site is concerned with taxes. The name implies that. We are interested in replacing the income tax system with an outgo tax (broadbased consumption tax or Federal Sales Tax). Most people think this is what Flat Tax is. There have been plans to revamp the I.R.S. with a Flat Tax and the most popular version, to date, is the Forbes Flat Tax proposal. However, this is still Income Tax. The Boston Tea Party's concern is the Income Tax Code is a higly complex bureau which manipulates citizens through tax codes. If the government wants to effect a certain policy it either rewards or punishes through tax codes or tax rates. The Boston Tea Party advocates a National Sales Tax of Ten per cent without exemptions. A tax that would be the same for everybody. There are those who argue the rich wouldn't pay enough. The Boston Tea party would argue the complex tax codes are created in order for rich people to use the loop holes to wind up paying an average of Seven per cent. After deductions and tax shelters. There are a lot of people who don't pay income tax. However, everyone buys things. Income tax would be nonexistant and only businesses would collect, report and pay Outgo taxes. That is our vision and we would like to know your thoughts and ideas on this issue.

by The Boston Tea Party reporter -=Glenn Fannin=-