When someone does something stupid, and a lot of money is spent rescuing them, it is customary to send the stupid, idiots a bill. Ling and Lee were not kidnapped. They were reporters and were sent there by Al Gore, for his news agency, to enter the N. Korea illegally and get a story. They went there to get either themselves or Al Gore a Pulitzer Prize. They did this in order to get fame and riches. They expected to profit from their exploit. I am very glad they were rescued but the United States apparently gave up a lot to get them back. They should be sent a bill for the rescue. I’m sure their employer, Al Gore, will be glad to pay it since they were on an assignment for him. Did you even wonder why Bill Clinton went there instead of Al Gore? Al Gore probably thought they might have arrested him also as being complicit in the border invasion. So the coward sent Bill Clinton.
-=Glenn Fannin=-
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