Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Obama Healthcare Plan

I really don’t know what the problem is. They say they want to provide affordable health care to those who can not purchase it, because of prior health issues, lack of portability or health care insurance is not available from where they work. We have National Flood Insurance (the only Federal Insurance besides ERISSA). Insurance oversight is delegated to the individual states (usually somewhere between 5 and 6 percent goes to the state’s superfund). The states have risk pools for people who can’t buy a particular type of insurance for one reason or another (Home owner’s, Wind, High Risk Auto, Work Comp etc.). These are all available to those who can’t buy them at affordable rates. They are all voluntary. All Congress would have to do is offer this coverage like National Flood Insurance (risk pool coverage). You would have to show you have been turned down for coverage 3 times. Most agents will do this research for you. Then you qualify to buy the insurance from the government. This rule prevents the government run insurance from gaining a monopoly on the insurance market. I find it amazing (with all their supposed intelligence and experience) they are not aware of this option (I haven’t seen it discussed anywhere). Well, logic tells me they aren’t that dumb but they aren’t that stupid. Therefore it has to be by design. They argued 42 million American didn’t have and couldn’t buy insurance. They are now adding 18 to 20 million who don’t want to buy it (mostly young people who think they are immortal). When they say 42 million Americans they are not technically lying. Thirty million of the Forty-two million are either South American, Central American, Mexican American or Canadian American. The United States is only one of the Americas. Obama said they are going to take 40 percent of the money out of Medicare to help fund this Goliath. They can’t even manage Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security (they are all nearly broke). They know what they are doing. They are going to take 40 percent of the money U.S. Citizens have paid into Medicare and pay for the healthcare of illegal aliens. Since they aren’t offering it in the same way National Flood Insurance is awarded then it isn’t about providing affordable health insurance to those who can not buy it. It is about control. It is about wrestling your Bill Of Rights freedoms away from you. It is about eroding these freedoms until the U.S.A. is the U.S.S.A. (United Socialist States of America). A woman who was born in Germany (before WWII) made a frantic call to my wife. She said Hitler started out promising everyone a car. So he took over the German car companies and factories so he could build them. He took over the banks to pay for building all the free cars (Volkswagons or Wagon of the Folks). He encouraged people to turn in their friends and neighbors of those who dissented in this effort. He took over the schools and created a Hitler youth movement. The youths were encouraged to turn in their parents. All of these things had to be done right away because Germany was in such a dire, economical depression. In order to act, here again because things were so bad, he took over the German Congress. The German Congress was too slow and things had to be done right away (Hitler said). This old, German woman was having flash backs between the things Obama is saying and what Hitler was saying. The truth is Obama has a Hope to Change the United States into a socialist, dictatorial regime.

Personally, I left blood and flesh on the battlefield and 4 years of my life, as did my brothers-in-arms, so that you might be free. I am old now and the future is yours. You have the FREEDOM to vote away your FREEDOM if you choose to. It is your choice to squander your legacy if you want to. Or, you can be an activist against any movement which would take away your freedoms. Freedom isn’t free!

By Glenn Fannin

Ling and Lee

When someone does something stupid, and a lot of money is spent rescuing them, it is customary to send the stupid, idiots a bill. Ling and Lee were not kidnapped. They were reporters and were sent there by Al Gore, for his news agency, to enter the N. Korea illegally and get a story. They went there to get either themselves or Al Gore a Pulitzer Prize. They did this in order to get fame and riches. They expected to profit from their exploit. I am very glad they were rescued but the United States apparently gave up a lot to get them back. They should be sent a bill for the rescue. I’m sure their employer, Al Gore, will be glad to pay it since they were on an assignment for him. Did you even wonder why Bill Clinton went there instead of Al Gore? Al Gore probably thought they might have arrested him also as being complicit in the border invasion. So the coward sent Bill Clinton.

-=Glenn Fannin=-